How long will I need to take off work?
This depends on the type of procedure you are going to have and your consultant will advise you during your consultation.
I am self paying, when will I have to pay?
For surgery, fees are payable on admission. Fees for outpatient consultations are payable at the time of your consultation.
Will I have stitches?
In most cases dissolvable sutures are used.
Will I need to have my dressings changed?
Dressings are usually changed at 2 weeks when you attend for your post op outpatient consultation. Alternative arrangements can be made if you live a long way from the hospital.
When can I go back to the gym?
You will need to wait until your post op appointment at 2 weeks, when your consultant will discuss your progress with you.
Will I need physiotherapy?
Exercises will be given to you during your hospital stay and these are usually sufficient. Further physiotherapy can be arranged if this is necessary. Your consultant can recommend a physiotherapist or will be happy to liase with a physiotherapist of your choice.
How long do I need to wear the TED stockings?
The manufacturers recommend that these are worn for 6 weeks. However, if you are very mobile and have had a simple procedure and have no swelling or pain, then you can stop wearing them after 2 weeks. Your consultant will advise you regarding this.
Will I need crutches?
Crutches are not usually required following most arthroscopic (keyhole) operations but are generally necessary after cruciate ligament reconstructions, and are sometimes required after knee replacement surgery.
Can I fly after surgery?
You can usually fly the day after surgery following an arthroscopy and within about a week of a more major procedure. Your consultant will advice you if you have any medical condition which would make this unsafe.