Services available:
London Knee Clinic provides a comprehensive diagnostic service for problems involving the knees. X-rays are available at the time of your consultation and MRI scans can be arranged to take place on the same day. If required we can arrange to undertake a digital analysis of your knee movements during activity (gait analysis) see londongaitanalysis.com/.
Radiology and full laboratory diagnostic facilities are available at London Bridge Hospital, and at Canary Wharf.
Initial consultations are carried out by our Consultant Knee Specialist who works in association with a team of other clinicians including sports injury therapists, physiotherapists, nursing staff and in cases requiring surgery our consultant anaesthetists.
Our main Operating Theatres are located within London Bridge Hospital, where patients are admitted either to the Day Surgery Unit or to one of the In-patient wards, depending on the type of operation. We also perform surgery at the Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth in St John's Wood.
Our Practice Manager will assist in making the necessary appointments and bookings. An appointment letter will either be emailed to you or posted once you have made the booking by phone. A questionnaire will accompany this to enable us to have a full picture of your history, diagnosis and symptoms.
Our Nurses see patients for pre-assessment before surgery if required and undertake follow-up after surgery, for example, for wound dressings if necessary. They are also happy to answer any other queries you may have regarding your medical problems, procedure or stay.
Sharing information:
With your permission we will forward details of the diagnosis, clinical assessment, operation and post-operative care to your physiotherapist as well as to you and your GP. In this way, all those involved in your care can be kept informed of your condition. You may however prefer to limit the distribution of this information and we will comply with whatever you require regarding this.
We are registered with the Information Commissioners Office under the Data Protection Act (1998).
Second opinions:
We are happy to arrange second opinions on knee problems, and while we usually obtain a referral letter from your doctor or general practitioner we can waive this if you prefer.
Medico-legal opinions:
We occasionally undertake medico-legal work and give expert witness in court cases.
Patient Information:
The information on this web site is not intended to replace the professional medical care, advice, diagnosis or treatment of a doctor. If you notice any medical symptoms or feel unwell, please see your general practitioner for advice.